Usman Mazhar received his Ph.D. degree in remote sensing from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in 2022. His research areas include surface energy budget and its mechanism using optical remote sensing data. His expanded research interests are aerosol optical depth and droughts and monitoring land use and land cover changes. Dr. Mazhar was the recipient of the prestigious Chinese Government Scholarship for his Ph.D. studies.


Lecturer at University of Gujrat, Pakistan from September 2014 to august 2018.

Research Assistant at The Urban Unit, Pakistan from June 2013 to May 2014.


Journal Articles as a First author

1.      Mazhar, U., Jin, S., Hu, T., Bilal, M., Ali, M. A., & Atique, L. (2022). Long-time Variation and Mechanism of Surface Energy Budget over Diverse Geographical Regions in Pakistan. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15(1), 1–13.

2.      Mazhar, U., Jin, S., Bilal, M., Arfan Ali, M., & Khan, R. (2021). Reduction of Surface Radiative Forcing Observed from Remote Sensing Data During Global COVID-19 Lockdown. Atmospheric Research, 261(March), 105729.

3.      Mazhar, U., Jin, S., Duan, W., Bilal, M., Ali, M. A., & Farooq, H. (2021). Spatio-temporal Trends of Surface Energy Budget in Tibet from Satellite Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalysis Data. Remote Sensing, 13(2), 1–20.


Journal Articles as Co-author

1.      Bilal, M., Ali, A., Nichol, J. E., Bleiweiss, M. P., Leeuw, G. De, Mhawish, A., Shi, Y., Mazhar, U., Mehmood, T., & Kim, J. (2022). AEROsol Generic Classification using a Novel Satellite Remote Sensing Approach (AEROSA). Frontiers in Environmental Science, August, 1–17.

2.      Ali, M. A., Bilal, M., Wang, Y., Qiu, Z., Nichol, J. E., de Leeuw, G., Ke, S., Mhawish, A., Almazroui, M., Mazhar, U., Habtemicheal, B. A., & Nazrul Islam, M. (2022). Evaluation and Comparison of CMIP6 Models and MERRA-2 Reanalysis AOD against Satellite Observations from 2000 to 2014 over China. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(2), 101325.

3.      Bilal, M., Mhawish, A., Ali, M. A., Nichol, J. E., de Leeuw, G., Khedher, K. M., Mazhar, U., Qiu, Z., Bleiweiss, M. P., & Nazeer, M. (2022). Integration of Surface Reflectance and Aerosol Retrieval Algorithms for Multi-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals over Urban Areas. Remote Sensing, 14(2), 1–14.

4.      Bilal, M., Mhawish, A., Nichol, J. E., Qiu, Z., Nazeer, M., Ali, M. A., de Leeuw, G., Levy, R. C., Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, L., Shi, Y., Bleiweiss, M. P., Mazhar, U., Atique, L., & Ke, S. (2021). Air Pollution Scenario over Pakistan: Characterization and Ranking of Extremely Polluted Cities using Long-term Concentrations of Aerosols and Trace Gases. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264, 112617.

5.      Qiu, Z., Ali, M. A., Nichol, J. E., Bilal, M., Tiwari, P., Habtemicheal, B. A., Almazroui, M., Mondal, S. K., Mazhar, U., Wang, Y., Sarker, S., Mustafa, F., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Spatiotemporal Investigations of Multi-Sensor Air Pollution Data over Bangladesh during COVID-19 Lockdown. Remote Sensing, 13(5).

6.      Ali, M. A., Nichol, J. E., Bilal, M., Qiu, Z., Mazhar, U., Wahiduzzaman, M., Almazroui, M., & Islam, M. N. (2020). Classification of Aerosols over Saudi Arabia from 2004–2016. Atmospheric Environment, 241(July), 117785.

7.      Bilal, M., Nichol, J. E., Nazeer, M., Shi, Y., Wang, L., Raghavendra Kumar, K., Ho, H. C., Mazhar, U., Bleiweiss, M. P., Qiu, Z., Khedher, K. M., & Lolli, S. (2019). Characteristics of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) over Urban, Suburban, and Rural Areas of Hong Kong. Atmosphere, 10(9).

Conference Proceedings

1.      Mazhar, U., Jin, S., & Bilal, M. (2021). Land Surface Temperature Variability over Various Land Covers in Punjab (Pakistan) from MODIS Data. 2021 28th International Conference on Geoinformatics, 1–5.